
To Kill A Mockingbird Racism Quotes

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Social status and racism is found everywhere in Maycomb County. The colored folks are shunned away due to their skin color. Country folks are disregarded because of how they live. They are isolated from the others and often ignored, and assumptions are made about them. However, there are far crueler beliefs about the colored. For example, colored folks being unintelligent too work, which caused them to have low paying jobs. Whites would show that they were superior than the colored. The restaurants, restrooms and water fountains are just a few examples of public setting being sectioned off. And although anyone was allowed to vote, colored people were stopped due to the grandfather clause. The Grandfather Clause made voting more difficult for …show more content…

He’s isolated because of his skin color. In the story, we can see racism happening is during the trial when Tom was giving his testimony. He made the mistake that he felt sorry for Mayella. “’You felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her?’ Mr. Gilmer seemed ready to rise to the ceiling.” (Lee 264) In the 1930s, the time which the story is taken place, the colored people are still considered below whites. Tom saying that he, a colored person, felt pity for a white folk is extremely unlawful. It means that a colored person has living a “better” life than a white person. At the time, Maycomb sees it as disrespectful, and it can have serious …show more content…

Supporting him means that you agree with his “wrongdoings” right. This puts you at a dangerous place where you could be attacked. And the exact thing happens to Jean Louise (Scout) and Jem when Atticus decides to defend Tom in the trial. Their schoolmates teased them and called Atticus a “nigger-lover”. "…Scout Finch's daddy defended niggers". (Lee 99) Towards the end of the story, Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Jean Louise as revenge for Atticus embarrassing him. People knew that horrible things would happen to them if they chose the wrong side. That is why few people supported Tom

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