
To Kill A Mockingbird Critical Thinking Quotes

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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay
As Bob Dylan one said “Don't criticizes what you don't understand”. It is important not to make assumptions on things we do not know much about. Sometimes a person's assumptions are not correct. Humans make 35,000 decisions a day. Many of these decisions are made in ignorance. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee explores the idea that in order to be able to make a correct decision on what you think of someone you need to allow yourself time and not make immediate decisions. Lee suggests that a person's responsibility to others is to always be open minded which is evident with the following relationships: Atticus and Tom Robinson, the Finch children and Boo Radley, and Atticus and Mrs. Dubose.

Atticus Finch, one of the …show more content…

As Atticus has been preparing the children for what is to come in the court, one night as he talks to Uncle Jack about how the children will have to absorb some very hard things, Atticus hopes that they will be able to keep their heads on straight. Later in the conversation, Jack ask how bad the trial will be. Atticus replies, “The only thing we’ve got is a black mans word against Ewells’... Before I’m through, I intend to jar the jury a bit” (Lee 117). Atticus is trying to show to Jack is that even if Tom is innocent or not that in the time and place they live in the chances that anyone will believe them are very slim. Even though the odds are very small Atticus still wants to help what he has decide is an innocent man to at least be able to have the town see in a different perspective. After the trial is over and atom was sentenced guilty Atticus “left the courtroom, but not yet his usual exit. He must of wanted to go home the short way, because he walked quickly down the

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