
To Kill A Mockingbird Cons

Decent Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is about a young girl named Scout in the 1930s. Living in the south, she learns about the real world dealing with rape when her father, Atticus, a well known lawyer in their town, takes on a case of dealing with an unfair treatment of an African American. A statement of theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is that you should take the energy of hatred and judgement and use it to get to know the person. Even though the novel was written and published in 1960, the novel’s theme is still of great importance today as it was back then, and will be in the future. Today's society is so quickly to jump to a conclusion about a person by just looking at them or hearing rumors about them. Coparenting relates to To Kill a …show more content…

There is two separate areas when discussing custody of a child. The two areas is physical and legal custody. In shared legal custody, no matter which parent you spend more time with, both parents have equal say concerning the child’s welfare. Whereas in shared physical custody, the child gets the necessities from both parents. According to Census Bureau, a principal agency of the United States Federal Statistical System, 64% of children (18 and under) in the U.S. live with both parents (Custody 1). When parents form a friendly and communicated relationship, the long term outcomes of the child is much better then when a child has parents who constantly have conflicts or when there is only one parent in the child’s life (Sullivan 1). It’s crucial when both parents and children keep each other updated on events and activities to ensure that everyone is informed in the family (“Custody” 1). If there is a highly recommendation to a shared calendar in court, such as a google drive calendar, then parents are given the resources to start having a communicated …show more content…

Divorce and separation is such a huge deal in a child’s life, this child has a new stress in his/her life and in a time of stress, everyone should take the time to get to know how the child is feeling, have some fun with the him or her. It’s a stressful situation for all. If everyone starts standing up and making a better life for children, then the world is going to grow into a place where there is less teen pregnancy and less drop outs. You can make an impact by start recommending the google calendar to parents separated, divorced, and even still together. Also, you can take a child and have a fun time. Go outside and blow bubbles, play a board game. Be a creative person and help a

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