
To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee: Character Analysis

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After Mrs.Dubose died in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus explained to Jem and Scout why he admired Mrs.Dubose’s courage even though she never showed courage physically,she showed courage morally by stopping her addiction. “I wanted you to see what real courage is instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand”(93). Atticus is trying to teach Jem and Scout that being courageous can be illustrated in other forms other than physical courage in order to be considered a hero. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses characterization to reveal heroism is not only about showing physical courage but it is also about showing moral and intellectual courage. Mrs.Dubose showed moral courage when she stopped her …show more content…

“The only thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience”(87). Although Atticus knew defending Tom would not sit well with the people in Maycomb County he still defended Tom because he knew Tom was innocent and defending him was the right thing to do. Atticus knew he would be disregarding his moral code if he didn’t help Tom. Atticus wanted to set a good example for Jem and Scout so they can learn from this experience. So it would be iniquitous if Atticus did not defend Tom because of what others think. In addition Atticus illustrated intellectual courage by defending Tom Robinson even though he knew it was going to be a challenge, he did everything he could to do to save Tom. Scout said after Atticus clients the Haverfords were hanged in the town square,Atticus profound his distaste for the practice of criminal law(2).Atticus knew Tom was innocent and defending him was the right thing to do even though he had a profound distaste for criminal law, Atticus still wanted to help Tom he knew it was going to be a challenge to win the case and save Tom but he was going to make sure he did everything in his power to make sure Tom is free and justice is …show more content…

When Miss.Maudie house was on fire and Jem and Scout were standing outside Scout felt cold so Boo came out and covered her with a blanket.“You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you”(). Boo didn’t take credit for covering Scout with the blanket,that’s what separates Boo from the other heroes.Because most people boast about their accomplishment as a hero.Boo showed moral courage by coming outside of the house though he hasn’t came out for years because of what people said about him he still put his comfort aside and went outside to cover Scout with the blanket.In addition Boo Radley showed physical and moral courage when saved Jem and Scout from Mr.Bob Ewell. When Mr.Bob Ewell wanted to hurt Jem and Scout ,Boo came out of his house to save them. Boo saved Jem and Scout from Mr.Bob Ewell(224). Boo put himself in danger just to save Jem and Scout most people wouldn’t endanger themselves just to save someone else.Boo got out of his house because he knew Jem and Scout needed him and he was the only who can save

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