
To Kill A Mocking Bird Short Story

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You took in a sharp breath, your (e/c) eyes snapping open. The images of the nightmare you had were still fresh in your mind; images of giants and collapsing buildings and blood. So much blood... The sound you had heard still drifted to your ears. You drew another sharp breath. The baby! You quickly glanced at your partner. To your relief, he was still asleep. As carefully and quietly as you could, you sat up and got out of bed. You tiptoed across the floor boards, making sure to avoid the ones that creaked under pressure. You made it to the door and slipped out into the hallway. The sound of that tiny muffled cry egged you onward. You reached the room at the end of the hallway and opened the door. You saw the little bundle as it squirmed …show more content…

You carefully picked up the infant and cradled him/her against your shoulder. You began to sway with your hips, rubbing the little back comfortingly. You found yourself murmuring the soft tune of a lullaby. You smiled with nostalgia, remembering that you also sang to him/her long before you ever laid eyes on him/her. "Hush little (baby name), don't say a word. Mama's gonna find you a mocking bird. If the mocking bird won't sing, mama's going find you golden ring..." After a few moments, the cries faded away to be replaced by frustrated gurgles. You drew him/her away from your shoulder and the look on his/her face made you giggle. In the moonlight, you could the baby's face was twisted into a look of irritation. Steely blue eyes were narrowed and demanded attention. This was definitely Levi's son/daughter. He looks at everyone that way... You went to the chair beside the crib and pulled down the collar of your night dress, readying to feed the obviously starving child. Angry cooing was replaced by loud suckling noises. You watched (baby name) for a while, but your eyes grew heavier and …show more content…

With his other hand, he replaced your night dress. You stirred and he pulled back his hand, but you didn't wake up. However, the bundle began to squirm in his arms. He looked down, adjusting his arms to try to be more comfortable. The eyes opened and met their father's. The two stared at one another, neither completely acquainted with the other yet. He remembered the first time he had held him/her. That demon woman of a midwife had kept him at bay until everything was said and done. He had never met an elderly woman that could put the fear of God into him with just a look like he could. (Baby name) began to grunt and coo uncomfortably. He glanced at you, making sure that you hadn't heard. Your form was still prone, so he slipped out of the nursery with the baby in his arms. He shut the door quietly and continued down the hallway until he reached the main room. Embers were still glowing in the fireplace, but it was just enough to easily light a candle. He set the candle on the table and sat in a chair. By the light of the candle, he could more clearly see the little face. S/he continued to grunt, tiny hands balled into fists and eyes shut

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