
To Be An American

Decent Essays

To Be an American America is considered to be a young country that has had a very interesting history and continues to. To be called an American has many meanings depending on the individual. America has a history that shows progress, hardship, sorrow, happiness, humanity, and so much more. America still has a long way to go but is home for thousands of people from all kinds of backgrounds. For me as an American means to stay strong against any adversity and to keep learning. An American means to be different, to learn, to have pride in the place that we call home. These are some meanings that the name American holds. The want for change and that chance to be different is an aspect of being an American. The opportunities that are present in America have helped shape the meaning of what it is to be called an American. The diversity of the people and the work within America shape the people living within. American “cities become increasingly mixed with immigrants from Asia, Africa and Latin America” (Keating and Karklis). The pride that is shown in how people live, and their actions reflect their own meaning of what it means to live in America. The strength of the people and the bonds that have been made also are part of the meaning of the name American. There are thousands of descriptions of what American means because America is so …show more content…

The name has history within it and the progress that is being made and had been made. I am proud to be called this came because of what comes with being known as an American. I feel that the part of America that I live in also contributes to the feelings that I have about being an American. I live in New Mexico, a state that has much history and is part of America’s growth and history as well. The growth that has been made not only in this state, but the country overall contributes to the pride I feel when being known as an

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