
Tituba In The Crucible Essay

Decent Essays

In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Tituba is most to blame for the Salem Witch Trials. Tituba was a slave from Barbados that worked for Reverend Parris. She performed the roles of the wife, even though they were not married. Tituba practices what the Puritans contemplates as black magic, but she only practices at the appeal of Abigail Williams. She never considered spell casting, dancing, and singing was premeditated evil because those practices were spiritual and common descending from her African roots. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Tituba’s flaws Gullibility, Immaturity, and Ignorance that led her to be most responsible for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. The first flaw that Tituba demonstrated in the play was gullibility, Tituba was being Gullible when confronted by Reverend Hale. She …show more content…

She answered "We goin' to Barbados, soon the devil gets here with the feather and the wings" (Miller 128). Tituba believes that the devil is coming with feathers and wings to take her back home to Barbados. Tituba displayed another act of ignorance when Herrick told her to come along and she called "No, he coming' for me. I goin home! Take me home, Devil take me home!" (Miller 128/129). Tituba thinks the devil is coming to take her home. Finally, In the play the author demonstrated that Tituba's flaws Ignorance, Immaturity, and Gullibility is what impelled her to be responsible for the chaos in Salem Massachusetts. In the Puritan society anything that is seen as untraditional will be deemed as maleficent. Moreover, the people of Salem fear things that they do not understand. In Tituba's case her character flaws are why she is the reason to be blamed for the Salem witch trials. Consequently, having lack of knowledge will make your fear things you do not understand. Get out of your close-minded lifestyle, and educate

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