
Titans Greek Culture

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During the Greek Empire, which lasted from 776 B.C to 323 BC, the Greeks worshipped a large array of Gods, Goddess, Demigods, and Titans. The Titans were created before the gods, and were much bigger. The Gods came into being to replace the Titans , the Gods were also less strong and not as big as the Titans. The Demigods were the children of the gods but with one parent being a mortal. Without the Gods, Demigods, and Titans Greece would have been without culture. The Titans were the first beings to rule before there were the gods. The Titans were much larger than anyone else and were always stronger. They were often called the Elder Gods because they were created before the other Gods. There were twelve Titans in total, six male, and six …show more content…

These twelve were the most powerful Gods so they were given the name Olympians. Zeus was Appointed to be ruler of all gods. Zeus was also apart of group of Gods called the Big Three, the other two were Hades and Poseidon. They were called the big three because they were the strongest and they controlled more than any of the other gods. Zeus would be the ruler of the skies, his symbol would be the lightning bolt. His Lightning Bolt when thrown could be used to cause massive destruction. Poseidon would be the ruler of the sea, and horses. He came about of making the horse trying to impress Demeter. Poseidon wanted to marry Demeter but she would only do so if he could make her the perfect animal. After making the horse Poseidon had lost interest in Demeter, but he was then known forth as the god of horses. His symbol is the trident, he can use his trident to control the waves within the sea and use it to cause earthquakes. The final brother of the Big Three was Hades. He was the ruler of the underworld, so he was left in charge with guarding over the pit of tartus so that the titans couldn't escape. Hades's artifact was The Helm of Darkness. This helmet allowed its wearer to become invisible. The other olympians were also very powerful. Ares the god of war showed the vicious and painful. The female counterpart to Ares,

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