
Titan Exploration : Past Will

Good Essays

Jake Peterson
Erika Harnett
Robby Robinson
ESS 102 AK
January 29th, 2015
Titan Exploration: Past to Future
Sci-fi Paper Synopsis: It is the distant future, and the human race knows pretty much everything there is to know about Saturn’s 6th moon, Titan. The Huygens probe was the first man made object to pierce the thick atmosphere of Titan, landing on the surface in 2005. From this mission, some light was shed upon the mysterious body of Titan, and it was found to be an “alien Earth”, with lakes and seas and even active meteorology and surface processes (O’Connor, 2015). At first, it was thought that life would not have been able to live in the extreme cold temperatures of Titan, but as time went on and humans evolved, our understanding of life and its infinite possibilities grew too. Now, there are camps on Titan devoted to creating a new form of life- a new humanoid species. If this were to come to fruition, would the new creations serve us, be our equal, or think of themselves as our superiors? Will big corporations gain control over all the possibilities that come with the creation of life? Where is the line of how much humans can play God? Our humanity will be put to the test in this adventure that follows the scientists stationed on Titan, their experiments, and the mess that is ‘money equals power’.

Just earlier this month, NASA and ESA celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the first Titan landing. Huygens parachuted gently down towards an unknown ground in a

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