
Timeline Of Sugar Timeline

Satisfactory Essays

In my opinion, the events on my timeline are the most important events in the book. The events are significant to the beginning of sugar, the spread of sugar, and the impact sugar. The first event on my timeline is the first planting of the sugar cane crop. I chose this event because this is the start of sugar. Without this event, the timeline wouldn't of been possible to make. The second event on my timeline is the coming together of scholars and doctors at Jundi Shapur. I chose this event because the doctors and scholars came up with new ways to refine sugar. Their ideas then spread to the Muslims; which leads me to my next event. In 600 B.C., when the Muslims discovered the ideas, they spread their knowledge of sugar to the rest of the world …show more content…

When sugar was introduced to the wealthy people, they wanted their sugar to be as pure, sweet, and white as possible. In 1200, the Egyptians met the needs of the wealthy. They became the masters of refining sugar. Because of their ability, Egypt was known for the “whitest and purest” sugar. I selected this event because it increased the demand of sugar- made it more popular. That brings me to my next event, which was Christopher Columbus bringing sugar with him to Hispaniola. I chose this event because it had a huge impact on the world. Sugar plantations were being made and required slaves to maintain them. Sugar drove more than 900,000 people into slavery. Some slaves didn't suffer as long as others. My eighth event is the freeing of the slaves in England. I chose this event because England finally succeeded in freeing the slaves from sugar plantations. After the freeing of slaves in England, the idea of indentured servants started to come about in other countries. Indentured servants were similar to slaves, but they were paid after working a certain amount of years. This lasted for about 70

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