
Time Four Learning Styles: How Children Learn

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Children do not learn just one way, rather there are a multitude of ways that children learn. However, for this paper I will be looking a few ways that children learn. According to Time 4 Learning website (2016), there are currently seven “learning styles”. Theses learning styles are visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, solitary. Visual learners are students that learns best through videos, pictures, and images. Aural learners are students that lean best through music, sounds, and lyrics. Verbal learners are students that learn best through words, so they benefit from speeches, and writing. Physical learners are students that learn through doing things, motions, the use of their whole body. Logical learners are students that learn best through reasoning and logic. Social learners are students that …show more content…

Originally, it was the thinking that brain develop only depends on the genes. As in what a child can learn depends on their genes only. However, the development of a brain is dependent on not only genes, but also the experiences this is according to Making Connections: How Children Learn (1997). The fact that brain development is connected to the experiences that a child might be exposed to. This fact is something that teachers should remember when teaching. For children to learn and develop mentally they need to experience learning. So while learning styles might depend on the student’s preference. For students, brain development it is important that they experience things. The articles also pointed out that brain development is not connected to the relationship with the primary caregiver, but early interactions affect the way that a brain is “wired.” Student’s learning is not only about experiences and learning styles it is also connected to their

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