
Tim O Brien Friendship Quotes

Good Essays

Bromance in the War Zone

Everyday, soldiers had to experience the major horrors of war in Vietnam. These soldiers had nothing but each other which resulted in the creation of many close bonds. One of the main themes of The Things They Carried is friendship. If friendship was utterly left out of the book, there would be virtually nothing to read about. Some paramount examples of friendship would be found in the chapters “The Man I Killed”, “Friends” and “In the Field”. Overall, O’Brien uses this theme to effectively convey the importance of friendships in times of war. The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien which describes the horrors of war in Vietnam, uses cavernous syntax, relatable symbolism and effulgent imagery to impose the exact feelings of the soldiers that experience guilt, fear and madness together during the war.
One significant example of friendship in this book would be found in the chapter “The Man I Killed”. O’Brien and Kiowa shared a fairly sympathetic moment in this time of the war. In this chapter, O’Brien had just killed a Viet Cong soldier with a hand grenade and was flooding with the emotions of guilt. O’Brien described every little detail about the deceased enemy and began to …show more content…

In “Friends”, O’Brien discusses how the two grew closer to each other. “They covered each other on patrol, shared a fox hole, took turns pulling guard at night” (62). O’Brien even mentions the agreement that Dave Jensen and Lee Strunk had made. O’Brien stated, “In late August they made a pact that if one of them should ever get totally fucked up--a wheelchair wound--the other guy would automatically find a way to end it” (62). But when that time came for Strunk, he kept repeating “Don’t kill me!” This scene specifically represents the feelings the men were forced to have when they were fighting in the war. The men were forced to look and act strong even though they were terrified and

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