
Tim Burton Research Paper

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Going into Tim Burton and his movies. He is a older gentleman with a unique style, he’s a writer, artist, and producer. He is the eighth-highest-grossing director by Box Office. His movies usually have a twist or an interesting setting. The movie style that he makes is more creepy. Tim Burton uses cinematic techniques like low-key lighting, shot reverse shots, and non-diegetic sounds to make his character look more intense and seem more lively to the audience. Tim Burtons movies have so many thrillful events and characters. Like in the movie "Big Fish” by Tim Burton. The giant, Karl (Matthew McGrory) went around eating peoples farm animals because he was too big and too hungry. Well it turns out Edward bloom made his stories more extra then what had truly happened. In that scene they used shot-reverse-shot between Karl and Edward bloom. This cinematic technique is important to the movie because it shows the conversation between the two. Or even in the movie “Nightmare Before Christmas” by Tim Burton ( , A shot reverse shot happens …show more content…

But this guy named Edward, actually had scissors for hands. In the movie “Edward Scissor Hands”, by Tim Burton. The scene where Edward starts cutting the woman hair and the crazy, dramatic music comes on and he just goes at it with all the women’s hair, which is a cinematic technique called non-diegetic sounds. This cinematic technique helps notice the dramatized scene from this part of the movie. In the same movie, different scene. Edward had walked into Joyce’s new hair salon, but little did he know things were about to get frisky in the back room. Non-digetic music started playing; sounding like trumpets. As Edward speed walks out of the hair salon because of the moves Joyce tried making on him. This clip of the movie is important because it shows the reaction of Edward, as he uncomfortably sits in the salon chair in the back

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