
Three Reasons For The Allies's Success In The Invasion

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D-Day was a major event in history and there are lots of reasons why the Allies had success in the invasion. In this essay I will focus on three reasons I believe to be the most significant to victory. Those reasons are Air Supremacy, Unique and adapted tanks and Operation Fortitude South. D-Day tanks were specialised to fit the environment of Normandy while still being effective in combat. Air Supremacy was crucial to distract the Germans with the gliders, paratroopers, bombers, and fake dummies. Operation Fortitude South was a massive and successful deception plan to confuse the German into thinking the invasion would come at the narrowest part of the channel.

Air Supremacy was crucial for supporting the invasion and confusing the germans. It was something the Allies needed to have a successful invasion. Before dawn on the 6th of June 1944, paratroopers and gliders were deployed inland above Normandy. Only a few hours later the beach landings arrived which totally confused …show more content…

It was a deception plan that was part of a bigger Operation called Operation Bodyguard, containing many different deception plans. Fortitude South was commanded by General Bernard Montgomery and the 21st Army group. Being commanded by such an important general, the Nazis fell for the rouse and fortified the area around Calais. Within Fortitude there were makeshift planes, inflatable tanks and artillery as well as fake equipment. The Germans took the bait mostly because Fortitude was located around the narrowest part of the channel where it would be the easiest place of all to invade from. The Nazis actually thought at first that the preparation for the actual invasion was rouse. This plan played an important role in the invasion because it allowed the Allied Powers to catch the Germans by surprise and to completely disorientate them thinking that the actual invasion was just a raid but they realised too

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