
Three Messages In Stephen Crane's An Episode Of War

Decent Essays

A Discussion of Three Messages from Stephen Crane's An Episode of War War is a disastrous part of the human race. The competition for land and resources has driven humanity to unrighteously slaughter its fellow species. This type of barbaric warfare has been shown many times throughout the course of time, including the U.S. The United States Civil war remains to this day one of the most bloody and deadly wars known to man. The four bloody years spread havoc across the U.S. over the fight for slavery. This war left a mark on the American society for as long as it stands. Stephen Crane, a man born just after the end of the civil war, took the liberty of interviewing a multitude of veterans from the war. He then compiled these notes into a naturalist story called An Episode of War, designed to show to the American people the real horrors faced in the civil war. There are three messages that can be derived from Cranes Episode. To begin with, Cranes Episode, expresses the idea that besides the fighting, war was terrible for troops. They constantly marched everyday without knowing when their enemy would arrive, and slept in makeshift camps every night. They were constantly held in the fear of ambush and always always waiting. They received little to none food often and when given it was terrible. Even more so, if a soldier was …show more content…

In the first battle of the civil war, spectators showed up on the Union side to watch what they felt was going to be an easy victory. On page 510 it states, “But at this instant the men, the spectators, awoke from their stone-like poses and crowded forward sympathetically”. Its clearly showing here that spectators were present. Little did they know that war would soon be inevitable. Soon it would last for years to come and many deaths to follow. War is never a joke, no matter how easy it may seem or how quickly it may get over. These people made the mistake of assuming

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