
Three Eras Of Policing

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Policing has continued to change over the centuries, so they can provide citizens with the most efficient means of service and protection. Michael Moore and George Kelling suggested that there are three eras of American Policing. The three eras of policing are Political, Professional, and Community. All these eras contributed differently to the structuring of Law Enforcement.
The Political Era began in the 1840’s and ended in 1930. This era’s main function was too provide communities with social services. The police in this era held very close relationships with the people in these communities (Eriksen, n.d.). They also patrolled on foot or bicycles. However, the organization of the police department was decentralized. In this era corruption was very common, many of the police officers forced suspects to confess by being cruel. …show more content…

This movement called for reform across a wide range of social problems. This reform included a change in corruption of police agencies. The reform led to the era of Professionalism which focused on crime control and a more centralized police department (Bond, 2016). The police’s relationship with the community shifted from intimate too distant in efforts to create a professional environment. Communities began to negatively change there perspectives on the police. The lack of relationship between them created mistrust and violence. However they enforced new tactics like patrolling in vehicles to response quicker to 911 calls. Other tactics that took place was random patrolling, and quicker investigations (Bond, 2016). In order to improve policing research and studies began to take place which lead to the era of Community

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