
Three Day Road Themes

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Thread One: The Number Three The number three is one of the most prominent threads in Three Day Road and it relates to the theme of unity. To begin, the number three is exceedingly important to the Cree people as they believe after death is a three-day road to salvation. When a person dies, the aboriginals believe that they will unify with the spirit world, so it is fitting that they would have to travel a three-day road in order to fully unify in this new world. Additionally, characters travel three-day voyages before they cross a new chapter in their life. For example, before the war, Xavier and Elijah had to travel three days to be able to enlist in the army where they united with their battalion. On the way back from the war, Xavier returns …show more content…

The use of morphine is related to the theme of addiction. At the beginning of the novel, when it is discussing Xavier in the present day, it shows how he needs morphine and how he is running out of it. He discusses how he has become dependent on the morphine, using the morphine is the only way he can survive. Then, the novel flashes back in time, where Grey Eyes is the only character who uses morphine. Grey Eyes shows how using narcotics recreationally can control a person’s life as they become more dependant on it. Xavier states several times in the novel his displeasure towards morphine and how he is scared of it. Xavier recognizes the dangers of the drug and he wants to avoid it as long as he can. Eventually, Elijah says to Xavier, “‘That was the one and only time I experienced the morphine,’ Elijah says to me, . . . ‘It allowed me to leave my body and see what was around me. I see how it might be a very powerful tool for me in such a place as this’” (83). This becomes a turning point in their friendship as Elijah becomes more open about his use of morphine and he becomes growingly more dependant on it. This growing dependence and how he feels that a drug could be used as a tool symbolizes the early stages of an addiction. Elijah resists the morphine at first, only using it when he is apprehensive about a raid or after a difficult …show more content…

This idea is related to the theme of the pressures of the aboriginal community. The first example of a windigo is shown through Niska’s point of view. In a flashback to her childhood when her father, who was a windigo killer, had to kill Micah’s wife and baby because they became windigos. Niska had to witness her father killing these people because they had lost a balance between reality and the spiritual world. Niska was pressured into becoming a windigo killer like her father because her father instructed her to do so and it is an expectation from her community. As a result, Niska became the second windigo killer in her family and she decides that Xavier would be the third: “‘This is not the place for you, Little One. You are a hookimaw, from a strong family. Happiness is not yours to have. You are a windigo killer.’” She said this as if it were a sentence being passed down (107). This adds an additional layer of pressure onto Xavier because he is now expected to follow the path that his aunt expects from him and he is pressured into also becoming a windigo killer. Later, in another flashback, Niska reveals her journey on her own as a windigo killer. One day an old man found her and told her about a windigo, so she walked for two days in order to find him and strangled him in order to kill the windigo in him. She is a bit apprehensive about

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