
Those Winter Sundays Essay

Decent Essays

Those Winter Sundays Everyone has done something in their lifetime that they later regret. A great example of that in poetry is “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden which really states so much in just three short stanzas. In this poem the speaker talks about how his father used to work so hard during the week and kept them warm with fires on Sundays. No one ever showed the father any respect and never did they thank him for doing this. The speaker is reflecting on his past and even feels bad at about not showing appreciation back when his father did these nice things. This poem seems like it is written by Hayden for his father and used as a symbol in his own personal life. Hayden has a unique way of developing a sense of regret, sacrifice, anger and even love as …show more content…

In the beginning of the poem it says, “Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueback cold” (Hayden 1-2). In this sentence Hayden uses a consonance with “blueback” because of the repeated b sound. This gives the feel of how cold it really is there and what his father is experiencing. Also, imagery is used in the same lines because the coldness the father is feeling is described with blueback cold which gives a mental image while the poem is trying to describe a feeling. With this wording readers experience two different senses both at the same time and that makes the imagery even more intense. In the next lines some alliteration is utilized. When the speaker says, “From labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze” (Hayden 4-5). The alliteration here appears with “weekday weather” and “banked” and “blaze”; this alliteration reminds readers of the rough, unfortunate condition of the father because in the story. The use of these devices in the first stanza develop the theme of the poem in the beginning and enables the reader to have a feel for what the rest of the poem will be

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