
Those Who Walk Away From Omelas Utopia Essay

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The foundation of a utopian society is centered around hope more than for perfection. In the short story “Those Who Walk Away From Omelas”, the author Ursula Le Guin tells about a society whose joy is provided at the expense of a child locked away in the basement. Some citizens of Omelas are able to rationalize the need of the imprisoned child while others choose to walk away from society alone out of guilt. The greatest hope for the city of Omelas lies within keeping the young boy held in the basement because it is for the greater good of man.
Omelas is a utopian society. It is a heavenly and magical place; the people of Omelas are happy people, enjoying the summer festivities, lovely parks and wonderful music. It meets all requirements of …show more content…

Out of disgust and disapprovement, they choose to leave behind the society of Omelas to an unknown place. “They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back. The place they go towards is a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness. But they seem to know where they are going.” (Le Guin, 4). These people, who escape the guilt of the horrible treatment of the child, are the core of the utopian society of Omelas. Without them, there would be no desire for betterment, the key characteristic for a functioning utopian society and Omelas would no longer be considered a utopia. But, the hope they have for the boy ends with them leaving. There is no plan mentioned for them to gather and build a new society of better rules or even to secretly rescue the boy from misery. They are useless to go. Leaving doesn’t do anything to benefit society as a whole; they are only saving themselves from the overwhelming guilt. In fact, their logic is worse because instead of suffering for their sake, he is suffering for no reason as they leave. Even if they were to conspire to fight on behalf of the young boy, it wouldn’t help much because the city would fall apart in his absence and the boy would likely struggle to adapt to the life of an average

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