
Those Who By Insight Know What Love Is Essay

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As any romantic will assert, love is by far the most powerful force known to human hearts and minds. This sentiment is espoused throughout history, almost to the point of cliché. Everyone has heard the optimistic statement, “love conquers all,” and The Beatles are certain, however idyllic it may be, that “all you need is love.” Humanity is convinced that love is unique within human emotion, unequalled in its power to both lift the spirit up in throws of ecstasy, and cast it down in utter despair. Loves power has suggested to many that it serves as a link to the divine, and that the feeling instilled in man by love comes from the supernatural, be it God or otherwise. In La Vita Nuova Dante Alighieri makes it clear that he believes in the …show more content…

The physical effect that love has on Dante is apparent whenever he is in its presence, that is, through a vision of Love himself or through being close to Beatrice. In their second encounter, nine years later, Beatrice is walking down the street where Dante is standing “in fear and trembling.” As she passes him, she greets him, of which he says, “Such was the virtue of her greeting that I seemed to experience the height of bliss […] I was filled with such joy that, my senses reeling, I had to withdraw from the sight of others.” (5) It is after this encounter that Dante has his first vision of Love manifested, in which love says to him, “Ego dominus tuus,” or “I am your master.” Love is holding Beatrice in his arms, and in one hand, Dante’s heart. Love bids Beatrice to eat the heart and then, weeping, the two ascend into heaven. It is clear that Dante is consumed, body and mind, by Love, and sees him as a divine force to which he must submit his will. Just as devout men who feel the influence and power of God within them give up their will and lives to the service of their Lord, so Dante gives himself to Love. So strong is his devotion that his thoughts are entirely consumed by Beatrice. The strain of such a state weighs heavily on Dante, such that his appearance reflects his turmoil and causes his friends to grow concerned. About inquiries into the cause of his pain, Dante says, “ in obedience to Love’s will, […] I replied that it was Love who had

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