
Thor In Giantland Essay

Decent Essays

This masterpiece, “Thor and Loki in Giantland”, is taken from the Prose Edda. The Prose Edda is a collection of tales written in Iceland during the early thirteenth century. The title is derived from the old Norse word meaning great grandmother. Combined with the Poetic Edda, these two books make up most of Scandinavian mythology. The author, Snorri Sturluson, was an Icelandic poet, historian, and politician. He hypothesized a new idea of religion on how gods are created: A war leader or king dies, and is later idolized after his or her death. For example, if a group is going into battle, then they will pray to the leader to help with their hardships and begin to venerate the figure.
This particular work was written in honor of nobles, for love, or to commemorate current events. Throughout the selection, “Thor and Loki in Giantland”, the type of writing used is syllabic in structure and utilizes kennings. Moreover, kennings are periphrases that can appear as metaphors, but also are able to give the effect of riddles. In addition, another literary device used is dialogue. Dialogue in this story is used to present an exposition of past events as well as to further advance the plot. Furthermore, Sturluson intended the book to be used as …show more content…

Six are from the middle ages and one is from the 1600’s. There are no complete manuscripts left, and most are copies of the original. However, at the time of this writing, C. 1200, writing began to take the place of oral tradition in Iceland and prose also took the place of poetry. One factor that could have influenced Sturluson’s writing was Iceland coming under Norwegian control in 1262. This may have been the reason that many of his stories included significant battles and over comings. An example is during Thor’s fight with the giants. Though only a handful of small, passive battles, many illustrations depict the battles as violent with

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