
Thomas Jukes

Decent Essays

The End of Excuses, The Future of Food In the late 1940’s Thomas Jukes’ curiosity got the best of him, when fishermen noticed the fish near Orangetown, New York, had been growing at an increasingly high rate. Normally fisherman wouldn’t be complaining about the catch being large, but the new factory nearby was suspected to somehow have caused this dramatic change. At first Jukes believed this phenomenon was caused by exposure to an excessive amount of vitamin B12, which was seeping into the water supply from a nearby pharmaceutical laboratory. However, when Jukes teamed up with Robert Stokstad they determined that the mystery growth factor had been caused by the production and waste discharge of a new antibiotic developed in the laboratory called tetracycline. The new antibiotic was used to treat infections, thus altering the way calories were being used inside the animals bodies. The calories normally used by the immune system were now being consumed to increase bone size and muscle mass. The fight to be able to provide enough food for a nation has been ongoing, especially since our nation maintains a habit of exhausting necessary resources while populations continue to multiply drastically. With the revelation about tetracycline, many optimists believed this …show more content…

These humans used complex hunting tools and techniques to stalk and kill the targeted pray. The precise planning that went into hunting large game consisted of technological advances in the production of tools used to kill, and the cooperation of a group to obtain the game. The adoption of hunting strategies presented humans with daily reliable access to essential proteins and other micronutrients. The animals also proved to be easier to digest and contained more calories, which gave humans more energy to continue hunting these large

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