
This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input

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This project performs sentiment analysis in various different phases. Initially the source of input for the application is Twitter tweets which are collected using Twitter API. The Twitter API is designed by Twitter which is made available to all registered Twitter Developers which runs on the Twitter Server. Input for the search term is provided by a Web Application User Interface designed for the user to input a product name on which the sentiment analysis is to be performed. This search term then acts as an input query for collecting tweets related to the product. Once when the user inputs the search term on the web application, the browser makes an Ajax call to the web application server with search term as an input to initiate the …show more content…

The web application server is a Rails server which runs on ruby and is programmed to handle all inputs from web site and the Twitter server. The Twitter server is hosted by Twitter Inc. to handle Twitter and Twitter API requests. Hadoop machine is used to derive more semantic information using graphs generated by the web application server. The web application server here is a rails server which runs on ruby. It uses Ruby on Rails web application framework which is a open source software. It is model view controller framework and has a controller component which responds to external requests from the web server to the web application and determines which view to be rendered for a particular action. The controller is responsible for a particular action to be performed when is called and routed through the framework. In this project the algorithm resides inside a controller class called home and it renders a index view. The home class in this project invokes all the required libraries as gems and the Twitter API too. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the individual components in the Ruby on Rails framework. This project provides storage of processed tweets and all tweets collected by the Tweeter API. The file system is designed to hold all processed tweets and their sentiment with graphs generated for each tweet while processed by the algorithm. The file system has the following files in it which does the above functions. The user interface of the web

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