
This article reflects on the way that simply observing the world through the eyes of one’s rational

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This article reflects on the way that simply observing the world through the eyes of one’s rational thoughts is nowhere as powerful as observing ones emotions. The author starts out by talking about how the story is showing the last hour of a women by the name of Mrs. Mallard and how she experiences the different emotions that she goes through. She starts to talk about how until the moment of her finding out about her husband’s death, she was considering reasons why she should live on. The author truly belives that Mrs. Mallard has almost given up on life and is blind to the world around her because of her own husbands powerful will over her own. She states that “when she hears the news of her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard’s obliviousness …show more content…

Body and soul free!” Selina Jamil then moves on to how she is no longer blind to the world around her and she can now hear, see , and smell the world around her as she is looking out her window. Specifically she says “Clearly, her new emotional freedom leads to the awakening of her mind”. The author starts to use more evidence to back up her claims such as this “Chopin’s investigation of emotion in this story clearly fits R.J. Dolaus argument that emotion influences not simply attention, but also “Preattentive processing” “as Chopin shows through Mrs. Mallard, that the act of watching nature and engaging in sense perception is the act of processing emotional stimuli”. She then states that “Physical changes in Louise, emotion connects the soul to the body. She breaks this up with evidence from another author by the name John Deigh. He defines emotion, “It is a state through which the world engages our thinking and projects our pleasure or displeasure”. She then moves on to talk about how physical condition is directly related to her emotional condition, with evidence such as “Her pulse beat fast and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body”. She starts to conclude the article by saying that in the last hour Mrs. Mallard has changed into Louie, the individual and no longer Mrs. .Mallard. The article ends with Louie seeing her husband return at the door and in that instant all the progress

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