
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

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Book Review: Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe wrote the fictional novel “Things Fall Apart” based on a tribe located in an Ibo village in Nigeria. This story takes place in the era of colonization and imperialism except this time; it is from the viewpoint of the Africans. It is reasonable to say that Achebe’s work focuses around the unique protagonist, Okonkwo, and his beliefs along with how white men’s colonization impacted the African society. This novel can tie into our classes’ discussion with the various elements of the white colonization of the African continent. The protagonist in this story is Okonkwo, a man who came from nothing to having everything he could ever want. Throughout the book, there are several moments where Okonkwo makes it clear to the reader about how much he despised his father. Growing up, he took note about how his father lacked any “manly” characteristics, to say the least; he was a lazy, carefree, and “womanly” character. Okonkwo’s father earned no respect from his fellow villagers and when he passed away, he left his son with nothing. Through Okonkwo’s determination and skill, he was able to create a wonderful life for himself. Though the only way he was able to create this life was to have no trace of any of the characteristics his father had. Okonkwo determined that in order to truly “be a man” he had to prove and show off his “manliness” to the other villagers. Like many other societies during this time, men were rulers of the household

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