
Things Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart

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Things Fall Apart - White Missionaries Caused Umofia to Fall Apart

Faith has always been a guiding force in man's life. Chinua

Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart is a story that describes the effects of a

new Christian religion in a tribal village of Africa. The tribe has their

own language, known as Obi, a dignified culture and a value system that has

continued for many years as they trace back into their ancestry. Yet,

voids that this culture can no longer fill for modern tribesmen enable

white missionaries to intrude upon this system and convert many of the

tribe's younger members to the Christian faith. The tribal system falls

apart because younger members are unable to remember …show more content…

Unfortunately, this was not the feeling shared by many in the

clan and Okonkwo, in trying to make-up for his father's mistakes, took on

the responsibilities of an old man as a young boy and had the mind set of

an elder in the community because as was stated, those were the people he

ate his meals with and held his discussions with.

Okonkwo's own son, Nwoye, did not have the same work ethic and was not

working to prove his manhood to the rest of the village. Therefore, for

Okonkwo to expect hard work ethics of his son by instinct was unrealistic,

because Okonkwo's work ethic was certainly not a genetic result either.

This work ethic however is a central value of the community and when

younger members of the generation do not feel as though they are

responsible for the tribe's continued existence then they may not feel as

though an active participation in village life is necessary. On the other

hand, perhaps Okonkwo's work ethic was much stronger than the normal that

is necessary for the tribe to continue to flourish and he beats Nwoye

forgiving only the minimum amount of work expected of him. Perhaps it is

the feeling of failure that turns a member of the tribe like Nwoye to

Christianity. Perhaps he felt that he would be an inadequate member and

would be unable meet the standards

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