
Things Fall Apart

Decent Essays

Postcolonialism and Things Fall Apart The biggest element in society are the people that make it up. The differences and similarities of the people is what bonds them to create societal standards. Within these walls more and more layers are uncovered to where people can define themselves with various features like faith, hobbies, and beliefs. Thesis: In Things Fall Apart by Achebe Began postcolonialism is a constant theme with some reoccurring topics of tradition and religion. Postcolonialism is not just the aftermath of colonialism, but rather a time where subjects are supposed to reflect, learn, and study the time period. Postcolonialism does not stay between walls, but is open for people geographically displaced, such as Asians or African Americans. Postcolonialism hopes to give the reader a way of understanding and reflecting what the people in the text went through (Loomba 12). It also hopes to help the people learn …show more content…

The Igbo people used the gods and goddesses to sculpt their way of life, “to honor the earth goddess and the ancestral spirits of the clan” (Began 36). The Igbo people use their harvest as a time to please their gods/goddess so that they will have a plentiful one. They do this because this is the only way of life they know of, they have been raised to believe this and continue this on as their tradition. The priest gives Okonkwo his punishment for disturbing the peace week, “bring to the shrine of Ani tomorrow one she-goat, one hen, a length of cloth and a hundred cowries” (Began 30-31). Another tradition the Igbo people do is start their harvest at a specific time in the year. They take their farming seriously especially because it ties into the previous tradition of pleasing their gods/goddesses. When Okonkwo beat his wife, he disrupted the peace which is supposed to be held between planting crops and starting the

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