
Thin Documentary Summary

Decent Essays

Described the DSM-5 signs and symptoms you observed for Shelly, Polly, Brittany and Alisa. Be thorough and specific While watching the “Thin Documentary” I observed the following DSM-5 signs and symptoms for feeding and eating disorders in the individuals listed below: Shelly is a 25-year-old Caucasian female who self-admitted herself for treatment. During the intake process, she described a plan to commit suicide. She has a feeding tube in place and is fearful of becoming over weight. In addition, she has a distorted view of herself image. Shelly has a marked interference with eating and suffers from lack of adequate daily nutritional requirements. Polly is a Caucasian female who self-admitted herself after a suicide attempt over eating two slices of pizza. Has a history of restricting food …show more content…

At my practicum site I interact with low, middle, and high-income clients and the majority of them have low self-esteem issues, therefore I think it would be terrible for anyone of the staff members to be overheard talking about a client and cause them to self-harm or any more pain than they have already experienced. Often, at my current practicum site I have found that some of the clients walk in the door with strong feelings of distrust towards the staff members and sincere concerns that they will not receive the help that they need. In addition, after watching the documentary, I realized that it would be very beneficial for me to learn strategies that would help me connect with clients. I felt overall the therapists in the documentary had a good connection with the clients and seemed to be able to get and keep them talking about difficult situations. Therefore, I hope to one day be able to find the best approach for each client so that I can help them

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