
They Both Die At The End By Adam Silver An Analysis

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Confidence is important because it helps people grow in their abilities and pushes them to succeed in the world. People with the most confidence succeed with what they want. For example, “Believing in yourself, having confidence in your own abilities, leads to success”. Confidence gives you courage, resilience, motivation, and a belief in your own ability to succeed” (“Confidence Leads to Success When You Believe In Yourself”). The book They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera really shows how confidence can be used in the book and in real life for any situation, no matter the circumstances. In the book They Both Die At The End written by Adam Silvera, Mateo finds confidence and realizes that even though death is inevitable, he has to live …show more content…

We won our first game by ten, but in our second game we lost by twenty. That game was the worst we had played all year and the next day in bracket play the other team was talking about how we lost by twenty. I was hitting first in that game and knew I needed to set the tone, so when I walked up to the plate, I walked up there with confidence. On the second pitch, I hit a home run and through that game collected two more hits. My hitting and confidence helped get our team into good spirits for the entire game. We won by ten again and advanced to the championship where we had to play the team that beat us by twenty. They were throwing their best pitcher that day and I was hitting first. Unfortunately, he threw really hard, but instead of fearing him, I went up to the plate with a ton of confidence. I did this because I knew my team was counting on me to succeed. I worked a walk, but that was a huge confidence booster for my team because it was a base runner. From there, the game was a duel until the end where they ended up winning five to two and getting two runs in the last …show more content…

To have a better chance of performing well, the player needs to approach the game with confidence. Fear and a bad mental attitude in sports are a huge reason why athletes fail to have confidence and perform. The article “The Power of a Positive Mental Attitude in Sports: How It Affects Performance,” from the website Benjamin Bonetti states, “A positive mental attitude can boost an athlete's confidence and self-belief. When athletes believe in their abilities and have a can-do attitude, they are more likely to take risks and push themselves to achieve their goals” (“The Power of a Positive Mental Attitude in Sports: How It Affects Performance”). This proves that having no fear and a positive attitude during a game can help athletes gain confidence in themselves and help them perform to the best of their ability at all times. Lastly, it’s important for teenagers to have confidence when communicating. For example, when Mateo and Rufus are walking away from the hospital, they find a homeless man who needs money. Rufus doesn’t want to give the man any money and wants to keep walking, but Mateo uses confidence to talk to Rufus about why they should give him

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