
Thespian Society Application Essay Sample

Decent Essays

Imagine a third grader, small and blonde, standing on a stage that practically swallows her. She gazes in awe at the bright lights that seem to tower miles above her head; likewise, she follows with a stare, fixating on the hundreds of darkened faces that remain directly in front of her. Unlike her classmates who fidget with nerves beside her, she feels a rush of adrenaline. What may have seemed to some an ordinary choir concert in a dull auditorium, was, to me, a life changing moment. Ever since this day, for 9 years now, I have had an unwavering passion for music and performing. As I aged, I found myself excitedly learning how to play 7 new instruments, but even considering the vast number of bands, orchestras, choirs, and instrumental lessons that I joined, I noticed myself …show more content…

Many years and musicals later, as a junior heavily involved with the musical program, my director came to me with an exciting proposition. She’d heard of a program that was being utilized all throughout the world: the International Thespian Society. As the class representative of the musical, she proposed to me that we look into the possibility of our school creating an official chapter of the organization.This program, which would allow students to win awards for hours put into the theatre arts, push themselves to obtain higher rankings on the thespian scale, travel to theatre competitions, and meet students just like themselves at sponsored conventions, was the perfect way for myself and many other students at my school to pursue their love for theatre year round. Being part of this prestigious program would help the musical program to expand by grabbing the attention of students schoolwide with the countless opportunities it offers. The strength of the International Thespian Society would provide a strong base of support for the future of our school’s musical program in a society that continues to cut funding to arts programs of schools

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