
Thermodynamics: How Does Astrology Work?

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Astrology is a very old concept, over 3,000 years old, dating back all the way to BC. It was created by ancient astronomers who believed that there was some sort of synchronous activity between the celestial objects and humans. They also believed that it exerted some sort of power over humans (Haider, 2015). It originally was created in order to explain human nature in a time period where not much was known about how genetics and the environment affected their lives (Hill, 2012). It was developed by the Greeks and Romans who borrowed ideas from the Babylons and the Egyptians. It is the belief that the positions of the planets, the sun and the moon influence the events that happen on the Earth (DeMichele, 2016).

The first astrologists made …show more content…

It is mainly based upon fortune telling using supernatural and spiritual elements and attaches meaning to the movement of the stars. It does have roots in astronomy since it tracks planetary and star movements but is mostly myth and fortune (DeMichele, 2016). It is based on symbolism, but not on facts. The foundation of horoscopes and astrology are rules about how to figure out the meaning of the position of the planets, sun and moon during something important. It took a lot of time to come up with detailed predictions (Hill, 2012). At one point, astrology was considered very scientific, but now, it is considered a pseudoscience. According to Quamrul Haider (2015), pseudoscience “misrepresents real scientific discovery and contributes to anti-intellectual attitudes. It replaces exploration and discovery with mysticism and magic.” It is a type of science that uses hypotheses mostly but does not have strong supporting evidence (Haider, 2015). It is based on symbolism and mysticism, not facts. Astrologers use something unknown in horoscopes, most likely supernatural, to explain their ways. It is very hard for scientists to test the theories since they are supernatural (Hill, …show more content…

The Earth is constantly moving around, no longer in one place. The ecliptic path has changed and no longer do the constellations line up with the constellations in the horoscope. In order to make the constellations, astrologists had to divide the sky into evenly, however, they completely ignored one constellation called Ophiuchus because they believed that the astronomers were putting the devil on them (Haider, 2015). There is shown to be strong similarities between astronomy and some religions. Both refuse to change their original ways from thousands of years ago even though there is plenty of evidence to dispute it nowadays. Astrology, like some religions, use spiritual and magical concepts to explain things. Concepts are often mystical and supernatural, not natural, and therefore are hard to explain (Hill,

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