
There Will Come Soft Rains By The Waters Of Babylon Essay

Decent Essays

Day by day, innovators around the world are working toward making the lives of humans easier. They are doing everything in their power to make the world a better and safer place for its inhabitants. What they fail to do, is come to the realization that they are creating technology that could ultimately lead to our demise. Human innovation is surpassing humans itself, and one small mistake could end up costing life of the human race. In There Will Come Soft Rains, by Ray Bradbury, and By the Waters of Babylon, by Stephen Vincent Benét, the authors portray the plausible and maybe even inevitable future in which modern civilization is destroyed by its own creations.
As robots and A.I’s continue to evolve, it is beginning to seem as if humans are becoming obsolete. In reality, human are necessary in order to preserve the life of technology. In There Will Come Soft Rains, Bradbury depicts how even without humans, nature continue to live on. Although technology has destroyed all of mankind, it cannot …show more content…

It is a common idea that the human race’s demise will come from the nuclear bomb. In both stories, nuclear warfare caused the demise of modern society. Both authors explore the fact that these types of innovations have to be contained. By letting people work on things like nuclear bombs, technology is surpassing that of what humans can handle. Also, in both stories it is almost as if nature starts over. The tribe in By the Waters of Babylon lived very similar to how the Mayans and Aztecs lived. Also in There Will Come Soft Rains, the house is destroyed by the tree. Eventually, all human creations will be destroyed by nature, and Earth will go back to how it was millions of years ago without humans. Both stories explore the fact that because humans are getting so advanced, they kill themselves, and lose their knowledge along with

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