
There Are Those Who Say That Seeing Is Believing

Decent Essays

"There are those who say that seeing is believing. I am telling you to believe in what you see" Neale Donald Walsh once said. This quote means that you have to see something that exists in order to believe it.This quote also means if you do not believe in what you are told, you might want or need to see it to know it actually occurs. I believe this quote is showing you that when you believe something you can see it, but when you see something you can believe it too. Seeing something that you never knew was true give you deeper details about what you saw or found out. You get to see something new, and the truth. Therefore, I believe that, seeing is believing.

"When you see something you would most likely believe it, even if you saw it with your own eyes". This information means that when you don’t believe in something that you think is not true, and you see it with your eyes you will most likely know it is true. Moreover, In the story entitled "The people could fly". It is best stated" Nor could the overseer. She flew like an eagle now, until she was gone from sight. No one dared speak about it. Couldn't believe it.But it was, because they that was there saw that It was. As …show more content…

Furthermore, in the book "The Flight of Icarus" the author Sally Benson stated "As they flew across the land to test their prowess before setting out across the dark wild sea, plowmen below stopped their work and shepherds gazed in wonder, thinking Daedalus and Icarus were gods. From this text seeing is believing. You may argue seeing is believing; nevertheless because the text shows you that apparently the plowmen and shepherds didn’t know that Daedalus and Icarus were gods, that they thought they were regular people and didn’t have supernatural powers. In conclusion, seeing is believing because the plowmen and shepherds had to see Daedalus and Icarus fly before they knew they had supernatural

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