
There Are Many Individuals That Strive For Balance Which

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There are many individuals that strive for balance which involves health in their lives. There is a disease that is the fastest growing in the world which is diabetes. Diabetes is a disease where sugar builds up in a person’s blood, and it can also have an effect on people’s daily life and can occur in an individual for many reasons like due to when the insulin production is unbeneficial or the body 's cells do not make enough sugar, obesity, or eating none nutritional food.
“Diabetes is the most serious and deadly condition. Currently, this is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S., and will soon be the fourth leading cause. Almost twenty million Americans now have actual diabetes, which means about one in every fifteen. (The …show more content…

The type exercises are aerobic and resistance exercise, swimming, walking, or yoga. Exercises are important for individuals who has diabetes because it can maintain their blood pressure and sugar. The number one cause for diabetes and would be prevented by exercising and eating right is “Obesity is the second in importance only to diet as a factor in blood sugar problems.” Half of Americans adults are overweight or obese, and people in other countries are quickly following our path.” (Morris, 2017). Diabetes affects an estimated 25.8 million Americans of all ages — over 8% of the population. The most common form is type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases in adults. Diabetes leads to excess glucose, a type of sugar, in the blood. Over time, high blood glucose damages nerves and blood vessels, leading to complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve problems, and amputation. (D.O.H.H , 2011)
Diabetes became a serious problem in this society due to the unhealthy eating, and many people do have emotional stress which tempts themselves to eat to fulfill the stress. For example, my mother has been going through many problems this month and there are days where there is nothing that makes her satisfied but just food and mainly unhealthy food. The pricings for unhealthy food is less expensive than nutritional foods, and that’s why it’s possible many individuals can’t

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