
Theravada Beliefs

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The Theravada is a branch of Buddhism, which studies the original scriptures in Pali, as well as honor the life of rejection, and monitor mindfulness meditation traditions (Fisher, 2014, p. 151). The Pali Canon Buddhists follow the Theravada teachings which are a vast collection of old scriptures preserved in the Pali language of ancient India (Fisher, 2014, p. 151). Furthermore, the Theravada is linked to Southeast Asian countries around the world. Also, many religious practitioners that are linked to the Theravada Buddhism in Southeast Asia; pursue the Buddha in devotion ceremonies (Fisher, 2014, p. 154). Furthermore, devotional to Dharma was done in reverence, worshiping, and honoring homage to Budda (Fisher, 2014, p.155). Practices of

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