
Therapeutic Relationship In Nursing

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The literature identifies the importance of the therapeutic relationship as a foundational aspect of nursing from which the other skills should be build upon and emphasizes how valuable this relationship is for all of the parties involved as it relates to outcomes and personal growth (Welch, 2005 and Chambers, 2005). Chambers (2005) describes the therapeutic relationship that the nurse facilitates as a foundational aspect of nursing from which the other skills should be build upon. Welch (2005) focuses on the impact of the therapeutic relationship specifically in mental-health nursing, however, acknowledges the importance of the relationship as it relates to all areas of nursing. Welch (2005) continues by stating that the patient is often …show more content…

Chambers (2005) explains that there is no set definition due to the concept being difficult to describe, with each relationship being very individualized and grounded in respect. Welch (2005) adds that it is also because the concept itself is more complex than one particular behaviour. The therapeutic relationship is more than a social relationship because of the end goal of the growth and recovery as a result (Chambers, 2005). With that said, the therapeutic relationship needs to be grounded in a social relationship in order to be effective (Chambers, 2005). Welch (2005) states that this is a relationship that brings about therapeutic effects for the patient while Chambers (2005) describes it as a relationship that the patient finds meaningful. Both of these ideas are evident in the case study provided in that the patient was unable to find meaning in his relationships with the health care team before being moved onto the eighth floor and therefore he was unable to have a positive relationship with an outcome of therapeutic effects (Punch, 2010). Furthermore, these two articles agree on the interpersonal aspect of nursing as a profession and the importance of reflecting on, discussing, and attempting to find understanding in the therapeutic relationship due to the impact this has on the patient's health outcomes and recovery (Chambers, 2005 and Welch, 2005). This relationship is mutual in the shared experience of both the health care provider and patient (Welch, 2005). This is reflected in the study by Chambers (2005) in that both the nurse and patient must share information to improve the mutual learning experience. The course content in nursing school focusses heavily on forming and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with patients,

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