
Therapeutic Essay: The Health Benefits Of Sewing

Decent Essays

Sewing is defined as an act that we do on things like clothes using needles and thread or a sewing machine to make or repair something (Macmillan Dictionary, 2015). Sewing is actually a craft. It involves stitching fabrics together. It is different from other needle craft such as knitting, crocheting, needle point and others because it is not decorative (wiseGEEK, 2015).
Although it's a needle craft, it differs from knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, cross stitch, embroidery, and the like because it's not decorative, but rather constructive. After paper patterns are pinned into place on fabric and cut out, they are sewn together to create a finished garment or other item. Sewing can also be done without a pattern or to create temporary stitches or to repair previously sewn items. …show more content…

Sewing that can be categorized as craft is undeniably has a physical bonus. Doing something simple like threading a needle or holding a pair of scissors is actually an exercise to our hands. Katherine Heigl (July, 2012) stated that sewing is actually therapeutic. It involves variety kind of attention and focus.
Based on Barry Jacobs (September, 2014) research on depression, repetitive movements enhance release of serotonin. This will takes us out from a bad mood. So, repetitive movement like motion of sewing stitch may calms our state of mind. Herbert Benson (2015) calls this as relaxation response. It is a feel of mental and bodily calm and have been proven scientifically could improve health and reduce risk of heart disease, anxiety and

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