
Therapeutic Benefits Of Music Therapy

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Music Therapy
Music Therapy is a therapeutic process used to treat patients through the sound waves of music. Using sound waves, which connects to the patient's brain, enables the patient's condition to begin curing. By doing this on the regular it becomes natural for the patient’s body to react to the therapy that is taking place. This process is used effectively throughout the United States. It is highly recommended to those with special conditions such as Dementia, Insomnia, Alzheimer’s and even mentally disturbed patients. Although, there are certain conditions patients have that can be cured more effectively using Music Therapy, this process can also be helpful to all patients of all conditions.
The only thing stopping Music Therapy from …show more content…

(Hussey 1). Studies have shown that Autism patients have recovered quicker using this method than any other. The process is also ideal for the recovery of substance abuse patients. Music Therapy serves as an alternative rehabilitation method. This gives the patient a different environment and different atmosphere allowing them to recover quicker and more effectively.
Alzheimer's disease is another critical condition that has been cured by Music Therapy. (Hussey 1). Some sessions even include live music production for more hands on patients. Music Therapy has a wide variety of clinical benefits. All music has healing properties. A key factor property of music is anti-anxiety. Which is effective for patients suffering from anxiety and depression.
Music is often used as a mechanism to distract the patient from the pain they've been dealing with. (Landau 2). Though Music Therapy has practiced for decades, the process is still relatively new to most cultures around the world. That is solely the reason the method needs more exposure. Music Therapy needs to reach others around the world, because there's a lot of lives that could've been saved. There are hundreds of illnesses and conditions that could've been treated and

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