In the universe, there are many unexplained phenomena that have happened or that are happening, that even scientists cannot explain. One may say that one of the biggest phenomenons to date is aliens. The theory of aliens has puzzled scientists for as long as man can remember. In the world of earth there are many phenomenons that have puzzled scientists and astrophysicist’ around the globe. In Costa Rica, there are over three hundred stone ball structures that have puzzled scientists around the world for years. One may say that these structures are not supposed to be shaped as round as they are, or be placed in the general vicinity that they are. Scientist have been baffled over these stone structures and still have no real theory that explains
In my opinion, I think aliens are real. I think there is aliens in Area 51. Most conspiracy theories say there is UFO crash parts at Area 51. It is most likely true. What else would they be using it for. It is also one of the most patrolled and guarded places in the world. The only other thing I could think of is they are building weapons of mass destruction. The world may never know what is in Area 51. I guess the only way we will ever know is if Someone leaks it out on the internet or a zombie apocalypse happens. If so, I will travel there myself and find out and see it all. If you’re wondering Area 51 is located 150 miles from Las Vegas. Some people say government scientists try and and reverse
“Alien Notion” by Chip Rowe was featured in The Playboy Forum in February 2003. In this article Chip Rowe writes about the attempts of creationist to bring God into public schools. According to Chip Rowe, after the Supreme Court ruled that teaching biblical creationism in public school is a violation of church and state, creationist have been divided into two groups. One group called “young earthers” believe a literal interpretation of Genesis in the Bible, while the other group developed a new way to “sneak God into the classroom” by creating intelligent design or as Rowe describes it “creationism after a shower and a shave”. The creationist behind intelligent design avoid mention of Adam and Eve; instead they say any intelligent being could’ve designed it. He also states that religious right organizers utilized “grassroots lobbying efforts” that gave intelligent design “a legitimacy it didn’t deserve”.
For more than 60 years, the debate between reality and conspiracy has raged on with the concept of aliens in the center( Staff). In Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 what is believed by conspiracy theorists to be a flying saucer was found in a rancher’s sheep pasture. The idea that exterrestrial life could possibly exist may seem out of this world to some. But, to an entire town of people, the idea is not as far fetched.
One of the biggest alien conspiracy theories is the UFO crash in Roswell New Mexico. On July 2, 1947 many witnesses see a glowing, disk like object falling from the sky, and disappear behind the trees. The next morning a ranch worker discovers a trail of metallic debris and brings it to the local sheriff. Word of the crash traveled quickly, and the Roswell Air Force was notified. At first the announced that they had in fact found a UFO crash with three human like creatures inside. the next day they retracted the information, and claimed that the wreckage to be a weather balloon. When skeptics went back to investigate all roads that lead to the crash were blocked by the military.
The crash that occurred in Roswell and the secret Air Base called Area 51 are important to our country’s history, both of these have led to questions today about aliens and if there is anything else out there. The government created an open conspiracy bout the “alien crash” in Roswell, they said it was a weather balloon not aliens; CIA and the government had to cover up the reality of the “alien crash” which was a secretive mission to spy on the soviet union called Project Mogul; Area 51 is a secret Air Craft base that the CIA and Air Force use to create U.S spy planes to keep an eye on the soviet union or now which is countries in the Middle East after terrorist attacks on the U.S; CIA also uses this base to advance military science and technology faster and
One might be lead to believe that after all of these hundreds of years, aliens would have been seen in the flesh instead of floating over the Earth’s atmosphere for all this time. The point is, there has not been one single sighting of an extraterrestrial in person after all these centuries and because we have not seen one single alien being in person all the way up to this point, there is no way they exist.
Aliens as a pseudoscience at times can be somewhat controversial because the belief in aliens is mainly interpreted in two ways. One belief is the idea that aliens exist somewhere in the universe but have not necessarily visited earth. The second main interpretation is the belief that aliens visited earth before and/or currently visiting earth in UFO’s. This belief is more pseudoscientific than the first because, the odds of the mere existence of aliens is a matter of probability. But, the second is more difficult to explain and often relies on some pseudoscientific explanations, reasoning errors, and visual illusions. The belief in UFO and aliens visiting earth is a lot more common than most people realize as Rice ( 2003) points out in his study. In a survey of about 1,000 people in the U.S, 35% of people stated they believed extraterrestrials have visited Earth at some point in the past while, 40% did not
With all our knowledge of everything around us, overwhelming as it may be, there are still a lot of aspects that are unknown to even the smartest scientists. Did you know that humans know only 5% of the entire universe? Yes, everything we know about the Earth, the Milky Way, and all the planets is barely even a fourth of what comprises the entirety of the universe. Knowing that, it would be illogical to say that the creatures on Earth are the only forms of life in the universe. Today I will tell you about unidentified object sightings, close
Most of us have heard about the mysterious Area 51 and the rumors of the Aliens and UFOs that are hidden within. However, these rumors are not true. There is evidence that shows that there are no extraterrestrial beings in Area 51.
The Ancient Astronaut Theory is a theory that aliens, or intelligent beings, visited Earth and influenced the human civilization. The aliens shared their knowledge of science and engineering with early civilizations, thus explaining many phenomenons like the Easter Island statues, StoneHenge, and the Pyramids. This idea is supported through many religious texts, hieroglyphics, and petroglyphs.
The aliens’ and their planet was created billions of years before the earth. Which means that they are further in the process of evolution than we humans are. The aliens have had time to change their traits so that they could be immortal. Aliens could be from another dimension, which many people claimed. Organisms have been found on meteorites.
Why could aliens be real? This question will be answered in this paragraph. The odds are in favor that aliens do exist somewhere in the universe. The only question is,
All along the years, scientists, mathematicians and geniuses have been intrigued in the study of Aliens. Myths, stories, legends have been passed down from generation to generation. Remember those years of childhood when we were just so fascinated by aliens? “Do they really exist?” you would ask. Pondering daily for answers to mythical creatures, only, seeing them being crushed as we enter the terrifying years of teenagerhood.
Have you ever wondered if people actually got abducted by aliens? Will most people who say they got abducted come back telling the exact same story as the other person who got abducted and those people don't even know each other. This is super crazy to me because those people don't even know each other. What are the odds people would tell the exact same story, unless they actually got abducted. This proves that it wasn't a hoax and something actually did happen to these people. After lots of research, I believe that aliens are real. There are too many galaxies and evidence out there that shows that aliens have to be real. In this report I am going to explain more about aliens and my opinion about it.
In reality, many scientists were skeptical of both UFOs and of alien life in general; they contended that interstellar travel would be easy for advanced civilizations, so the lack of overt contact disproved alien existence. Yet most UFO opponents do believe alien life exists out in the universe, just not here. So they defend the near impossibility of interstellar travel, which contradicts a considerable portion of the scientific community (Thompson, 1990).