
Theoretical Framework in Nursing Process - Elements, Approaches and Strategies of Theory Development

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Pocholo N. Isidro R.N. Philippine Women's University, Master of Arts in Nursing Theoretical Framework for Nursing Practice – Module 3 A. What are the 5 types of concepts and its characteristics? Give an example of each type. 1. Primitive Concepts are those that have a culturally shared meaning (Walker and Avant, 2005 as cited by Peterson and Bredow, 2009) or are those that are introduced as new in the theory (Meleis, 1997 as cited by Peterson and Bredow, 2009). For instance, in culturally derived concepts, a color is usually primitive because it cannot be defined except by giving examples of a color different from the original color. Grass and leaves would be examples of green while grapes and roses would be examples of not …show more content…

The researchers recommended that the medical members, having now recognized the problem, make available specific teaching sessions on the likelihood of harassment, its prevention, and the need for protection, the experience would be validated and depersonalized, and female doctors would be helped to overcome their vulnerability. The opportunity to view sexual harassment as an abuse of power, rather than an incident provoked by a victim's inappropriate dress or comments, may clarify the confusion felt by respondents over the causes of harassment and their responses to it (Phillips and Schneider, 1993). In my own personal opinion, the researchers’ recommendations focusing on the development of self-awareness by implementing either one-on-one or group sessions is an effective way of providing, not only the female physicians but all women in general, an idea of how to detect and prevent impending sexually-motivated advances and how to recover for those who already are victims of it. These recommendations however failed to specify any possible legal recourse should a victim opt for it. Recommendations would cover a broader scope of applicability if it included all the legal aspects accompanying the issue which is exactly what another study suggested. This study, done by Gelfand, Fitzgerald and Drasgow (1995), entitled: “The Structure of Sexual Harassment: A Confirmatory Analysis across

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