
Theoretical Essay On Domestic Violence

Decent Essays

Nadeen Hamdan
INTS 314- Theoretical Essay 1
February 8, 2016
Domestic Violence is unfortunately a huge social issue that occurs all over the world. Domestic Violence is a type of exploitation that occurs in a household. This exploitation may include some sort of physical, emotion, or mental abuse. We typically tend to believe that domestic violence transpires in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. Although this logic may appear more often, we must understand the general idea behind what domestic violence truly means.
Perpetuators of domestic violence are defined to be the more dominate individual taking advantage of the victim. Once the perpetuator is able to gain control over the victim, it is extremely hard to get out of. …show more content…

As a child, I was beat many times due to what I always believed to be misbehavior. Although there have been times where my beatings would be due to my disobedience, it was more than just that. It was primarily due to aggression that my father carried home from a stressful day. When I was younger, my sisters and I understood that once my dad arrived home from work, that we should be extremely cautious of everything we do. For instance, talking and playing too loud was frowned upon. His methods of violence included beatings with shoes, coat hanger, belts, and sometimes just anything he can grab his hands on. Looking back and understanding why my dad did what he did was due to stress. He was put under a lot of pressure trying to sustain and support family by making ends meat. He is self employed as a taxi driver, so there are days where he may make money, and other times where he may not. It’s almost as a gamble, due to no consistent income. Unfortunately he wasn’t aware on how to properly deal with his aggression. His aggression had lead me to hate as well as be scared of him. My healing process began as I grew older to defend myself. As I physically grew, I began to fight and yell back which caught him off guard. By repeating this action, the violence eventually stopped. He begun to realize his mistake and took initiative to apologize. This particular experience is what lead my interest to research more about the

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