
Theodore Roosevelt's Accomplishments

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“We wish peace, but we wish the peace of justice, the peace of righteousness. We wish it because we think it is right and not because we are afraid.” Theodore Roosevelt not only spoke these words, he lived them. Throughout his life Theodore always worked hard and fought for what he believed was right. Even though he had to overcome many obstacles, Theodore always strived for peace and righteousness. Theodore Roosevelt was an amazing political leader because he protected America’s natural heritage, brought peace to countries at the brink of war, and helped pass many laws that protected the American people’s rights and land.
Even though Theodore Roosevelt had many health problems as a child, he overcame these and ‘made his body.’ Just like …show more content…

‘Thee’ as he was often called was the only person Roosevelt ever admitted that he feared. This fear was not out of abuse but deep respect and reverence. Thee founded the Newsboys’ Lodging House, Children’s Aid Society, the New York Orthopedic Hospital, and Allotment Commission, all major institutes, some still around today, that helped and help many people. He other took young Theodore along with him on visits that taught him valuable life lessons. Theodore's father taught him to look at problems in moral terms as well as scientific terms, a skill he would use many times in his future career. Just like how George Washington, the founding father of the USA looks over our political leaders and inspired them to do good, Theodore Roosevelt's Father inspired him to do what was right. As Theodore Roosevelt once stated “My father...would not tolerate in us children selfishness or cruelty, idleness, cowardice or untruthfulness.” His father's will for him to do good may have what inspired Theodore Roosevelt to go into …show more content…

Roosevelt became the Governor of New York on December 31, 1898. During his term he regulated working conditions in sweatshops. He also banned segregation in schools, raised teachers salaries, and regulated eight hour workdays in state jobs. This helped New York strive for equality and workers rights, and inspired other states to do so as well. Not only this, but Roosevelt also attacked fraud and raised corporation taxes in large businesses, that had previously been getting away with many illegal and morally incorrect things. Theodore was like a lichen because just like it is a pioneer species, he was one of the first people to face corruption in major business, and others were soon to follow. Many of the things he did for New York are still around today. This political position paved the way for his hardest job yet,

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