
Theodore Roosevelt Characteristics

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My Leader- Theodore Roosevelt! Throughout history we have had a plethora of people that were called “a leader” in the public’s eyes. Of course, when a leader steps up to the plate; they will have “Haters” as Maya Angelou stated. Yet, are they a True Leader, or an infamous leader? Weather a true, or infamous the traits of that leader had to appeal to the particular public to gain that popularity. A leader that I look up to is none other than Theodore Roosevelt a.k.a Teddy! Now President Roosevelt has shown great characteristics of a great leader. The traits that he that stood out the strongest in my opinion was honesty, his integrity, and in a way him being a humanitarian. The beginning of the 1900’s would have been as successful if it wasn’t for President Roosevelt. To begin with, Theodore Roosevelt was our 26th president of the United States! He was our youngest president at that! His presidency was from September 14, 1901 – march 4, 1909. Now, a big reason why I respect President Roosevelt so much as a president is because he was compared to good ole President Lincoln! They declared President Roosevelt to be just as popular as President Lincoln. Some of the work that President Lincoln has done for the United States has shaped the Progressive Era, our Foreign …show more content…

It was called the Progressive Era. The Progressive Era was the period of the social activism and political reform in the United States. The Progressive era started evolution in the United States. You have railroads being built, and then you have food industries. President Roosevelt saw his Presidency as a “bully Pulpit.” President Roosevelt used his power in a more a symbolically way. A prime example of this is the confrontation John D. Rockefeller the railroad monopolies. He also promoted “the jungle” by Upton Sinclair due to the meat industry. His reforms also brought a sense of honesty because the deeds he brought to

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