
Theme Of Women In The Crucible

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Women are portrayed in three distinctive ways in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. Some are appeared as great, moral, upright people, while others are the opposite. Miller is not a feminist, his intentions are not to make women appear to be spotless, however, he is also not a misogynist, he does not condemn all women for the sins of their sex. He demonstrates a balance between various individuals, with a specific end goal to make the story more believable. There are three distinct women in the play with three different personas. Elizabeth Proctor can be viewed as the most loyal woman in the play. In spite of the fact that her better half, John Proctor, admitted to having an affair with their housekeeper, Abigail Williams, Elizabeth was still devoted to John. At the point, when Elizabeth was questioned as to whether her significant other, John, was having an affair behind her back, she lied for him and denied it. When Danforth stated, "To your own knowledge, has John Proctor ever committed the crime of lechery?” and Elizabeth reacted, "No, sir". Elizabeth had never lied before this incident, yet she did now, to save her cheating spouse. Elizabeth is a strong woman who took the fault for something that she was not associated with. She thought she was the reason behind on why her husband cheated, ”I have sins of my own to count. It needs a cold wife to prompt lechery". Elizabeth is portrayed as a woman with a strong, loyal character and a faithful wife, yet she has her flaws

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