
Theme Of Violence In The Outsiders

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The main theme of The Outsiders is violence does not solve social conflict. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy thinks that violence is the solution to the Socs, but later through Johnny stabbing Bob, and finally making amends with Darry, Ponyboy figures out that you can’t solve social conflict with violence. This theme was relevant to the real world in Hinton’s time and still is today. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy thinks that all you can do to resist the Socs is to fight them. He even knows it’s a futile attempt to change their situation, but that’s all he thinks the greasers can do as he says: “And you can't win against them no matter how hard you try, because they've got all the breaks and even whipping them isn't going to …show more content…

Later, Johnny conveys his guilt to Ponyboy when he says: “‘There sure is a lot of blood in people.’”(Hinton 74), nearly quoting Shakespeare in Macbeth. In a later conversation with Johnny, Ponyboy gets thinking about this new world he has been thrust into. In the text he says: “I liked my books and clouds and sunsets. Dally was so real he scared me.”(Hinton 76) This shows how Ponyboy likes when the hero can beat the villain and get a pretty sunset at the end. But now Ponyboy has to deal with the real-world effects of violence, and he doesn’t like it. This marks one of Ponyboy’s first major changes of his mindset on violence. At the end of the book Ponyboy finally comes to terms with the deaths of Johnny and Dally, and he finally realizes that violence is not the answer when he makes up with Darry. Darry and Ponyboy are shouting at each other, and Ponyboy asks Sodapop to take his side. This causes Sodapop to rush out of the house, and Ponyboy and Darry chase after him. When they finally catch up Sodapop tells them he feels sick of being pulled apart by their fights. Ponyboy sympathizes with Sodapop as he says in the text: “Darry and I did play tug of war with him, with never a thought to how much it was hurting him.” Ponyboy suddenly understands what his fighting with Darry has done to Sodapop, and later in their conversation Ponyboy realizes why he never got along with Darry: “I saw that I had expected Darry to do all the understanding without even trying to

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