
Theme Of Violence In Candide

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A focus in the majority of literature including Candide, is human’s tendency towards violence. Embedded in the works of literature discussing violence are the possible motives and reasons behind the horrific actions people are capable of; in many ways through interpretation the reader is given a window into the psychology of violence. In each piece of literature by examination the reader is left to put the pieces together for the overall message on humanity, but sometimes even when putting the pieces together it is difficult to see the whole picture because much of the understanding in weighted topics such as these require more insight than just an average person's knowledge of the inner workings of human’s minds. This is where psychology and english go hand in hand, each enhancing the other, making muddled concepts and questions more explicit. Such as Candide and “Human behavior: Killer instincts: Nature News”, Candide provides the situations and the article gives the insights to better understand Voltaire’s pointed commentary on violence, in addition it allows the reader to thoughtfully produce their own opinions on the subject. Woven into the storyline of Candide is constant shocking occurrences of violence. Voltaire’s repetition and emphasis on this seems to suggest that he himself, can not get over the ridiculousness of the erratic violence especially in his time. What is vital to viewing these moments as more than the exaggerated, dark, and absurd misfortunes that

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