
Theme Of Propaganda In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Decent Essays

Propaganda appears in many different forms, including novels or novellas. Ayn Rand uses her novella, Anthem, to show the world her ideas of objectivism. The basics of Objectivism is that it urges individual advancement. It follows the points of reality, reason, self-interest, and pure capitalism. The first point that Objectivism is reality. This basically means that wishing or praying won’t change anything. In Anthem reality is shown when Equality presents his discovery of electricity to the Council of Scholars. Upon seeing this new invention they say “What is not thought by all men can not be true. (pg.73).” Even though the box is clearly there and real, the Council refuses to accept this reality. This is Rand’s way of saying that only the foolish don’t accept the reality which is right in front their eyes. …show more content…

Rand describes it as “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” What she is trying to get across with this is that you must face the facts at all times. Additionally she believes you have to refer to logic over emotion. In Anthem Equality notes that “...all men must be alike.” And well they make it very clear that they don’t support this part of society, they accept it because it is fact to them. The next point presented by Objectivism is that of self-interest. Rand defines this as doing what will allow an individual to progress in life, rather than a group. Anthem is set in an overly-communistic society so self-interest is virtually nonexistent. In fact, the citizens don’t even know the word “I”. When Equality discovers the word “I” he “...wept in deliverance and in pity for mankind (pg.98).” By taking away all self-interest in the society in Anthem, Rand shows how self-interest is a necessary component for both a society and an individual to

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