
Theme Of Power And Corruption In The Most Dangerous Game

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Power and corruption have always gone hand in hand with the world today. The characters in the short stories. “Monkey's Paw” by Richard Connell is about a family getting the gift of a monkey's paw that holds three wishes and instead of heeding the warning of an old friend, they use the wishes for horrible consequences.” The Most Dangerous Game” follows the story of a young man who gets trapped on an island with a man called General Zaroff that hunts the unfortunate people who stumble across the island.”How to transform” is about an eighth grader who learns lessons about life as he practices playing basketball in an old gym. These stories have the motif of power and corruption throughout the story, and though this motif comes the theme of each short story. Power and corruption are used throughout “The Most Dangerous Game” to show some myths hold true. In “The Most Dangerous Game” when Rainsford first describes General Zaroff right hand man Ivan “The menacing look in the eyes did not change. The revolver pointed as rigidly as if the giant were a statute” (Connell 3).Ivan has the power here to let Rainsford go,however he is corrupted by the general’s thinking. He is also corrupted by his love of power that he holds over the innocent victims that land on this island. As the night carries on General Zaroff describes his methods of ‘restocking’ the island, he says “ Sometimes an angry god of the high seas sends them to me, sometimes when providence is not so kind”

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