
Theme Of Minority Report

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Said to be inspired by the curiosity of our future and impacts our rapid advancement in technology on future society, the 2002 film minority report, by Steven Spielberg is set in the futuristic setting of America in 2054. The film has a theme of free vs determinism and can be seen thought out the film. A world without murder “Utopia” and a system called pre-crime is able to stop murder from happening by seeing it before the event takes place. John Anderton a father of one is a leader of the system, Anderton runs away because he sees himself commit a murder and finds out a different side to the pre crime and his boss Lamar Burgess. Throughout, the film he was given multiple choice to change his fate which he did proving the system wrong. Spielberg’s …show more content…

Is distorted and futuristic which allows him to explore numerous themes such as free will and determinism. Through this corrupted setting Spielberg highlights that you can change your fate from free will, which is spiritual freedom. From the ending scene, a pan shot shows the view of Washington D.C. which allows Anderton so be put into place, proving a setting and introductory for a character to be put into frame. Anderton finds out that it was Lamar Burgess who planned his murder and begins to confront him. Anderton already knows the outcomes. Anderton tells Burgess that he still has a choice but Lamar, replied with “yes, I have a choice and I made it”. A gunshot and smoke towards Anderton appears, along with a shocked faced from Anderton. Indicating that he was shot but Lamar chose to kill him-self. A tilt shot with a high angle along with a zoom out allows the pre crime to come into frame and showing Lamar’s dead body on a rooftop, providing the audience with a plot twist, climax and showing that Burgess who was once corrupt and powerful was now resting in peace. Anderton changed his fate by killing him-self. Spielberg uses setting to introduce characters into the frame and to set the mood along with the

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