
Theme Of Ignorance In Huckleberry Finn

Decent Essays

Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, does its best to accurately depict the Southern states in the Antebellum era as it is, racist and full of ignorance. Of course, it is not the book’s depiction of the South that people consider racist, rather, it is the language that is used by the people in the novel. The ‘n’ word alone comes up in the writing frequently, over two hundred times. Nowadays the term is rude and offensive, but in Huck’s time that is simply what people use to address African American slaves. Whenever Huck uses the ‘n’ word, he never does so out of hatred or anger, he simply doesn’t realize that the term is rude; in fact, he can’t realize that, since everyone he talks to including the slaves, uses the ‘n’ word.

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